Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Qu'est-ce que tu portes? Les vĂȘtements - Clothing

Qu'est-ce que tu portes? = What are you wearing?
Porter is a regular -ER verb that means to put (on), to place, to wear
You can also use the irregular verb Mettre that means to put (on), to wear
Qu'est-ce que tu mets?

To answer:
Je porte/Je mets... un jean, un pull, une montre, et des baskets!

(This corresponds with Textbooks:  Allez Viens, Chapter 3 and Chapter 10...Discovering French Bleu, Lesson 25)

Click here to practice pronunciation:
Then on the top (a little towards the left), click "options" and click "Listening Quiz".
You will then hear a letter said, and you click on the letter to check your answer!
(You can also select the difficulty level!)

Click here for a practice game with audio:

Click here to match the picture with the French word: