Create your own educational games, quizzes, surveys, and web pages. Search millions of games and quizzes created by educators around the world.
Free Interactive Primary or Elementary Key Stage 2, Ages 8-11 Years, French Teacher Resources and Kids Games. Learn French Numbers, Colours, Classroom Items, Fruits, Vegetables and Transport. Use for
Learn French language with free to use and fun online games. Learn French phrases, greetings, vocabulary, numbers and grammar. Games for kids and students of French language at beginners to advanced l
Tools for learning French online. Free vocabulary and grammar lessons. Children's stories translated into French. Great for beginner to intermediate learners.
Bonjour de France vous propose d'élargir votre répertoire lexical en découvrant de nouveaux mots, des nouveaux sens, d'apprendre de nouvelles expressions idiomatiques. Vous pourrez les utiliser dan
Email Verb Conjugators 9000 verbes conjugés (not interactive) Conjugaison donnée et lien interactif Verbes conjugés: vous choisissez les temps que vous cherchez (not inter
Hunger & Thirst; Eating & Drinking Listening Practice: Numbers Listening Practice: 100 - 10,000 Listening Practice: Years The Dining Room - Continued The Bathroom I - Continued The Bathroom II - Conti
See the Glog! Cours de francais: text, images, music, video | Glogster EDU - 21st century multimedia tool for educators, teachers and students
Learn French language with free to use and fun online games. Games to learn French phrases, greetings, vocabulary, numbers and grammar. Suitable for students of French language at different levels, an
MADAME HOWARD FRENCH III 2009-2010 BRING TO CLASS EVERYDAY 1) Ring binder with five sections: 1) travail noté 2) devoirs 3) grammaire/verbes 4) feuilles 5) prières 2) Textbook, workbook, pencil or p
Verbes en "ir " réguliers & irréguliers Le Présent de quelques verbes irréguliers challenge board Le Passé Composé des verbes irréguliers Le Passé Composé des verbes irréguliers Exercise de
Nous nous spécialisons dans l'édition et la distribution de manuels pédagogiques reproductibles, d'outils pédagogiques complémentaires et de jeux éducatifs élaborés par
Dynamo{t}s est un cours de français organisé en 3 niveaux. Il va jusqu'au niveau seuil (B1 du cadre commun de référence). Les ressources multimédias sont produites par le centre linguistique de l
Regarde le dessin animé, clique sur les boutons, écoute la prononciation... l'histoire du poussin montre quels sont les verbes non pronominaux prenant l'auxiliaire être au passé-composé. [traduct
Download or subscribe to free content from Bon départ: beginners' French - Audio by The Open University on iTunes.
Chapter 4 : Conjugation: le présent Chapter 6 : Interrogative phrases Chapter 7 : Qualifying adjectives Chapter 12 : Conjugation: le futur Chapter 13 : Conjugation: le passé composé Chapter 14 : Vo
Please Note: All exercises require the Flash Player plug-in.Click here to automatically download and install Flash Player.
French Alphabet with QUALITY sound files. Native speaker. Click on a letter and listen. Quiz game too
N o u v e a u t é s s u r l e s i t e Le premier jour de l'an (poésie de Pierre Ménanteau) Oh ! Hé ! Hein ! Bon !
site éducatif animé de soutien scolaire pour réviser une leçon, préparer un devoir, un contrôle, un examen ou un exposé avec des centaines de films en Sciences, Sciences sociales, histoire, Gé
MYLO is a free KS3 and KS4 language learning resource developed for the Department for Education and run by RM Education. It offers a new way to learn French, German, Spanish and Chinese.
Learn French in your own time with interactive courses, videos and audio clips: essential facts, holiday phrases, games and worksheets.
Welcome to the interactive version of Ma France Ma France will help you improve or brush up your basic French with the help of Stéphane Cornicard and 24 interactive video units. The language you'll l
Click on the Lucky Dip button below to randomise the Featured Clips.The wall of the clips will update and deliver a new group of clips Martin Luther King, segregation, non-violence, voting, constituti
KS2 primary French resources for children to learn to speak French: words, phrases, sounds, vocabulary activities and games.
All aboard the magic carpet for a trip around the French-speaking world! In the Student Book, you will meet young people from France, Australia and New Caledonia, and learn to understand, speak, read
A secondary school revision resource for GCSE French about foundation and higher level grammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing