Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Le Boulanger - The Baker

Cute Animation to learn Bakery vocabulary!!

Tu aimes.. les croissants?
  ... la brioche?
...le pain au chocolat?

Moi, j'adore!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tu viens d'où? Nationality and Origins

The question "Tu viens d'où?" = Where do you come from?
Here are a few ways to answer the question:
Je viens de Paris.  I come from Paris.
J'habite à Paris.  I live in Paris.
Je suis de Paris.  I am from Paris.
Je suis français.  I am French.

As you go through the MYLO Nationality and Origins activities, you will see that 
-nations have gender
-nationalities must match the gender  and number of the person you are talking about

Pierre would say:  Je suis français.  (Pronunciation:  frahn-say)
Pauline would say:  Je suis française.  (Pronunciation:  frahn-says)

Bob est américain.  (masculine/singular)  
Sue est américaine.  (feminine/singular)
Bob et John sont américains.  (masculine/plural)
Sue et Nicole sont américaines.  (feminine/plural)

Exception:  Note the feminine form for nationalities ending with -en:
Il est candadien.
Elle est canadienne.

As you go through the activity, be sure to listen to the audio so you can see how these spelling changes affect the pronunciations.

Here is the link to begin the activity:

Throughout the activities,
click on the listening icons to hear audio,
 click  on the "i" button (near the Submit button) to get an explanation/examples

There are 4 "steps" in the activity.

To get started:
Under 'Get Ready: Step 1': Click on the Link:  "Where are you from?"
Jump In:  Step 2: "Where are they from?"
Use it:  Step 3:  "Saying your nationality"  
Compete:  Step 4:  Around the World 

Alors... Tu viens d'où? 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Qu'est-ce que tu portes? Les vêtements - Clothing

Qu'est-ce que tu portes? = What are you wearing?
Porter is a regular -ER verb that means to put (on), to place, to wear
You can also use the irregular verb Mettre that means to put (on), to wear
Qu'est-ce que tu mets?

To answer:
Je porte/Je mets... un jean, un pull, une montre, et des baskets!

(This corresponds with Textbooks:  Allez Viens, Chapter 3 and Chapter 10...Discovering French Bleu, Lesson 25)

Click here to practice pronunciation:
Then on the top (a little towards the left), click "options" and click "Listening Quiz".
You will then hear a letter said, and you click on the letter to check your answer!
(You can also select the difficulty level!)

Click here for a practice game with audio:

Click here to match the picture with the French word:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger? French Food Vocabulary - By Season!

Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger?  = What do you like to eat?
Manger = To eat!
You can respond by answering:
J'aime manger... le pain, les pommes, le riz, la salade, etc..

To practice, scroll down on this site to the "Fruit" and "Vegetable" matching games:

Here is a practice link with sound:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Story! "Le Petit Chaperon Rouge"

Le Petit Chaperon Rouge

Listen to the story at:
"The French Experiement" website

There is the text in French, a translation in English, 
and you can play the audio for each section of the text!



Sunday, March 3, 2013

Quel dessert préfères-tu? Names of French Desserts - delicieux!!!

The Question:  Quel dessert préfères-tu?  = Which dessert do you prefer?
It may be hard to pick just one!! But you can respond by saying:
Je préfère... les macarons!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

English/French Verb Tenses

(Click on the picture to make it bigger)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Level 1 Verbs

 Here is a combination of 125 Regular and Irregular Verbs Forms!

Regular:  (ER)  Jouer,  (IR) Choisir, (RE) Vendre, Attendre
Irregular:  avoir, être, aller, faire, venir, vouloir, pouvoir, devoir, sortir, partir, dormir, prendre, apprendre, comprendre, boire

How to use the embedded quizlet feature:
In the bottom right side of the "Quizlet set" below:

First, choose "Flashcard Mode": 
You can check the "both sides" box to show the French and English meaning at the same time.. then click the card or arrow to proceed to the next card.
Or uncheck the box and select if you want to see the French or English first.  Click on the card to see the translation.  Click the arrow to go to the next card.

Then, choose "Learn Mode":
Type the translation and then click "answer" to see if you're right.

There are also "scatter" and "spell" modes to try!

Note:  You can also visit http://quizlet.com/_c6bqe to see the set on the normal quizlet site.  You can create a log in... copy the set to your account.. and then delete cards as you master them!

Demonstrative Adjectives

= used to point out specific people or things 

(This corresponds to Chapter 3 of "Allez Viens" and Lesson 26 of "Discovering French Bleu")

J'aime un livre - I like a book
J'aime ce livre - I like this book

Video Explanation

In French, the demonstrative adjective always agrees with the noun it introduces.

As you read these notes and do the practice activities, t will be helpful if you know clothing vocab, and especially the gender of the clothing items, for these activities.  

Adjectif Demonstratif


(before vowel sound)


Ce sweat
This sweater

Cet imper
This raincoat
Cette chemise
This shirt
Ces baskets
 These sneakers

Ces chaussures
These shoes


·        There is liason after “cet” and “ces” when the next word begins with a vowel sound.

·        To distinguish between a person or an object tha is close by and one that is further away, the French sometimes use “-ci” or “-là” after the noun.

          Philippe aime ce pull-ci.  (Philippe likes this sweater over here.)

          François aime ce pull-.  (François likes that sweater over there.)

Practice Activities
(It will be helpful if you know clothing vocab, and especially the gender of the clothing items, for these activities.  Here is a list for reference:  http://www.vocab.co.uk/vocabulary/uk/french/clothing.htm)

Les Vetements et Les Adjectifs Demonstratifs  http://www.quia.com/quiz/912551.html

L. 26 Bleu Demonstrative adjectives  http://www.quia.com/quiz/912551.html

Demonstratives Adjectives - ce cet..  http://www.quia.com/pop/63535.html

Quelle est la date? Months, Seasons, Weather

Pintrest Find: 
From fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net

Months of the year video!

The Question "Quelle est la date?" = What is the date?

You can respond by saying:
C'est le # month.
C'est le 28 février.

Notice you use "LE", and then the number comes before the month.
Exception:  to say "the first" = le premier.
C'est le premier mars.
It's March1st.

Click on the link to practice pronunciation:
Times of the Day, Days of the Week, Months of the Year, Seasons

Practice Activities:
Days of the week, months, dates  http://www.quia.com/jg/293395list.html
Months of the year  http://www.quia.com/jg/383375.html


Thursday, February 28, 2013

Le Corps - The Body

Thanks to Brain Pop - 
Learn about the brain, muscles, skin, heart, and much more... en français!
There are also interactive comprehension activities!

Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire ce weekend? Le Verbe Aller

The question "Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire ce weekend?" = What are you going to do this weekend?
You can respond by saying:
Je vais voir un film.  I am going to see a movie.
Je vais voyager.  I am going to travel.

In order to answer, we need the verb "ALLER":

It does not follow a regular -ER verb pattern when conjugated
==>We have to memorize the forms.
(For example, it is not "je alle".. but "je vais".)

Here you can see and hear the irregular verb "ALLER" conjugated:

Je vais au cinéma.  ~  I go/I am going to the movies.
Ils vont au théâtre.  ~  They go/They are going to the theater.

The verb ALLER is also very useful to talk about things that are going to happen in the immediate future = Le Futur Proche.  

The formula for the futur proche is:
Subject Pronoun + Conjugated Form of Aller + Infinitive (verb with the ER, IR, RE)

Je vais (I am going) étudier (to study).  
Tu vas (You are going) jouer au foot  (to play soccer).
Vous allez (You all are going) aller au parc (to go to the park).

Negative:  Notice how ne..pas goes around the first/conjugated verb:
Je ne vais pas étudier.
Nous n'allons pas chanter.
Elles ne vont pas danser.

Ready to say the forms of aller in the present tense?
Here's a catchy little song:

Now, see if you can complete these activities using the forms of ALLER!

Forms of Aller - Matching

Forms of Aller - Multiple Choice:

Forms of Aller - Fill in the Blank:

See if you can use the formula of "futur proche" to "win a million euros"!!

Alors, le verbe "aller".... ça va??

La Statue De La Liberté!


Les couleurs!

Now practice the pronunciation:

Game with audio:

Game with matching:


Click on this link to watch liv
French news/information/weather/reports:

on the right-hand side 
under "Regarder France 24"

"Dernier JT" to see the most recent news report
"Dernier Meteo" to see the most recent weather report   


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ecoutez NRJ en direct!


Listen to NRJ - a French Radio station - Live!  You'll notice a lot of American songs!!
or click on the webradio "French Hits" to hear only songs in French!

Petit Nicolas - "Je suis Malade"

Petit Nicoals started as a very popular book series in France:
 Nicolas has recently become a full length movie in the theaters!

And also a cartoon series:

In this episode,
Nicolas fakes a stomach ache thinking he can have a fun day playing at home instead of going to school.  It doesn't turn out exactly that way...   :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Les Chiffres (Numbers)

Here is a video to practice the numbers 1-9 in French!

Here is a site to practice ALL Numbers:
(Hold your mouse over each number to hear and practice the pronunciation)
Then on the top (a little towards the left), click "options" and click "Listening Quiz".
You will then hear a letter said, and you click on the letter to check your answer!
(You can also select the difficulty level.)

L'Alphabet Français

Video/Song to practice the French Alphabet!

And.. here is a great site to practice the alphabet:
Hold your mouse over the letters to hear and practice each one!
Then on the top (a little towards the left), click "options" and click "Listening Quiz".
You will then hear a letter said, and you click on the letter to check your answer!